

My little niece, the only one I have, (cough cough Niels and Kayla cough cough) Well her head is a little lopsided so she has to wear a helmet on her head for a couple of months or something to reshape it the right way, its really sad, but she looks so cute even if she is wearing a helmet. I don't think she likes it very much but I guess she wont remember it when she's older right? That's her right when she first got it, doesn't she look happy? Poor girl.


Niels and Kayla said...

Mandi, didn't we tell you??? I'm Pregnant!! hahah Sike...No way jose, you just better sit back and take a chill pill...what do you mean you only have one niece? make it three, jazzy and sophie love u mandi, what would they think of that comment?? huh...jk i love ya, but no babies yet. sorry. haha

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Um you can't forget about Mobee! He was the first to join the family!!! :) I love the background!

Anonymous said...

I love Shaylie!!