
Schools Coming Up!!! Run for your lives!!

Personally I'm not looking forward to school cuz of all the crap that starts when you get 700 immature teenagers together and stick them in the same building for half a day, drama. Yeah so it should be interesting at a new school right? Dixie kids and Pine View kids and everything, well leave your thoughts on school. Go Thunder!! lol that sounds lame.



This has been on many friends blogs and it looked fun, so here goes-Here is a fun little game... Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark...get set...blog your memories!!


SECRETS! everybody's got them! So spill it! Any secrets you got let em free, anonymous or not just let them out! hahaha you'll feel better when you have and if you don't feel like telling us who you are, just put them as anonymous! Secrets are fun! :)


My Phone

I have a pre-paid phone, and although it is alot cheaper is sucks like eggs!! Virgin Mobile phones kinda suck, i'm sorry but they do they mess up my texts all the time. My parents refuse to by me a phone even though it would cost them only 10$ to add me to their plan so instead of having a phone that works and is nice, and doesn't break every week, I'm stuck with a Virgin Mobile piece of crapola. If anyone wants to add me to their plan, I'd buy my own phone hahaha Please? Thats what friends are for right? hahaha Niels? Kayla? Kenny boy? Emmie cakes? Anyone? does anyone care about my cell phones needs? please? -love Mandi


woot woot!!

TINA GOT HER PERMIT! haha so yesterday i went to the dmv and got right in to take my test. I passed it the first time with 84% i was stoked!!! But when i got out on the roads with my mom...oh man, she was more nervous than i was. She was like "Tina, look a car!! Stop Stop Stop!!!!!" let me tell ya...i was like twenty yards away from the freakin thing! oh well, its just a mother's nature to worry right?



My little niece, the only one I have, (cough cough Niels and Kayla cough cough) Well her head is a little lopsided so she has to wear a helmet on her head for a couple of months or something to reshape it the right way, its really sad, but she looks so cute even if she is wearing a helmet. I don't think she likes it very much but I guess she wont remember it when she's older right? That's her right when she first got it, doesn't she look happy? Poor girl.


LoVe <3

This is a post about love. You can comment about your oppion on love, someone you like...or love, anything to do with love, tell us! Let it out. Remember, ignorance is NOT always bliss. LET THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE:)


Mountain Dew

Mountain dew is really good.



I have the weirdest dreams ever! I always do! there is no way around it, I always have a weird dream... one time I woke up and was crying all day cuz of one of my dreams about rachel leaving :( It was a couple years ago, thats the only time I've ever cried about a dumb dream haha Well yeah last night I had a really strange dream, Rachel was pregnant and she was keeping it a secret from my parents as we were hiking to the grand canyon, I was swearing all over the place cuz I wanted to... and there were these weirdo's living in a public bathroom. I was in a wheel chair cuz I tried to commit suicide or something and the grand canyon moved and crushed me cuz I couldn't get out of my wheel chair fast enough... I told you I have weird dreams hahaha thats only one, I could go on forever about my dreams... but I won't... But you guys can :) Tell us about all your weird dreams!



TINA CAKES! ONE YEAR OLDER! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! we all love you and hope you have a fantastic 15th year on this earth haha and as christina was telling me earlier, if you wish to remain her friend for the next year you better all buy her awesome gifts :) she wants the movie "because i said so" but try as you might, nobody can top my gift I gave her, sorry :) Tina have a great birthday, we are all so greatful you came into the world on this day fifteen years ago, Love ya!