

Okay, so yesterday I was a Krista's house watchin her and Sarah snarf down some corn dogs. And got to thinking... how do you make mustard? What is Mustard? Do you grow it? Squash it? I had no idea! Never before had such a thought struck my tiny mind, so I started reading the back of the mustard bottle. It had a few other ingredients... oil ... something else, and MUSTARD SEEDS... have you ever seen a mustard seed? what does it look like? more inportantly... what grows on the end of a mustard seed??? If anyone knows what grows on the end of a mustard seed, please tell me! p.s. Krista likes the shape of the mustard bottle cuz it looks like a barrel

What is a blog? well obviously you know what a blog is but people use it for many different purposes. Some people use it to put down info, some people use it as a journal of everything thats ever happened to them in thier life... exciting... and some people use it as a way to put down thoughts or ideas and everyone gets to read about them and comment. Some people even use them as an advice column! well our blog is all of those things! hahaha its whatever we feel like at the moment!



you got this idea at kristas house!! yay!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha mustard..lol
that's so true though!
i have no idea what mustard seeds are!!
and i bet nobody else does!
except the weird people who crush
the seeds or whatever they do,
to make the mustard! lol
it'll forever remain a mystery..